Hi, welcome to my personal site. My plan is to use this site in somewhat random ways. Sometime there will be content related to Data, sometimes it might be some rambling I have about the world, or any other thing that might interest me enough to write about. This site will probably stay pretty barebones outside of the written content, since it’s not really a focus to dedicate development time to it.

If you’ve somehow found this website and we haven’t met here’s some quick information:

  • I currently work as a Data Analyst at NeuroFlow in Philadelphia
  • Have a strong interest in Data, Startups, and just Learning in general
  • Other points of interest include Reading, Movies, and Sports

At some point I might fill out this page with quotes and books that I enjoy, but for now you’ll be forced to reach out to me to learn more

Contact Info

Email: mthartz25[at]gmail[dot]com

  • If you want to join the 3 people I’m not related to who have asked to get email updates when I post something. You’re gonna have to email me and I’ll add you to that very manual process.